A Poll of Two: Bad Bunny Is Not Amused By Trump's Dumpster Fire NYC Rally

We know there are many political surveys and polls out there but this one, based on the whims of two people who shall remain nameless, is unfiltered, funny and fire! Sort of like overhearing a conversation between two friends in a bar or on a train, and you want to interrupt.
—Various and Sundry
Sundry: Have you seen the Bad Bunny video?
Clemente! I'm crying already I love that place.
Various: How the fuck do u do auto translate on the Benicio thing? La Muerta Loco Todavia Cono
Sundry: Mine did it automatically. It has me in tears.
Various: You don't need to know a lot of Spanish to understand it.
Sundry: Exactly. Also has my favorite place there, the fort in Old San Juan.
Various: Just passed that! They fucked up. They rrrrrrrrrreally fucked up.
Sundry: Hugely. They really fucked up.
Various: Monica Quinn? This video is killing it. Tito. Menudo.
Sundry: KILLING IT. When you see Benicio win an Academy Award tell him my brother cried at Clemente.
Various: The OCTOBER SURPRISE the Dems wanted lol. Trump hanging himself.
Sundry: My dad always said the Republicans can't help shooting themselves in the foot. They always go too far.
Various: Yo soy P FKN R. I started sobbing.
Sundry: I know I did too.
Various: It's so defiant but also injured. It's like BASTA during the overthrows.
Sundry: YES.
Various: Contras, Somoza, Batista, Franco, Mussolini, etc. They finally hit the wrong wasp's nest.
Sundry: They did. See this I found on YouTube:
Puerto Ricans Respond to Trump Rally
Various: It's backfiring. And now Trump's 'our little secret' with Mike Johnson is gonna get wayyyy more scrutiny.
Sundry: I knew it the second I saw it. They fucking approved it too.
Various: Yes because they read everything that was uploaded to the teleprompter and told Kill Tony to take out calling Kamala the C-word. That was too much, but all the other shit they were fine with. And now online their MAGAbots are saying 'It was a joke!' Like the watermelon thing. And it struck me: This is exactly like a sexual predator saying to a co-worker 'I wanna see your tits' and then when she calls him out he says 'What? I'm just kidding.' Meanwhile if she whipped them out the guy would've dropped trou right there.
Sundry: It's much worse actually.
Various: I'm JOKING! Lollll. It's the same dynamic but at a deeper level. It's the 'You can't take a joke, it's comedy' gaslight.
Sundry: I actually don't agree. But I see your point. NO ONE thinks that's funny what he said. No one.
Various: My point is RIGHT NOW online, TONS of MAGABOTS are claiming it was funny--just a joke, the crowd didn't mind. I'm engaging them.
Sundry: I know what you are saying.
Various: 'He's a COMEDIAN' type comments. 'Libtards live in a humorless world.'
Sundry: They have no defense nor could I care less what they say. Let me tell you something: No Puerto Rican thinks it's funny. No Cuban. No Venezuelan, Brazilian. And no Italian.
Various: Meanwhile, I respond with 'God is gender-fluid' and suddenly they want to behead me. I agree--you get that, right?
Sundry: Of course. And may I point out that Benicio Del Toro has one of the sexiest voices in the world. [This is your editor chiming in: You are absolutely correct Sundry!--Vanessa][I third that assessment! -Jane]
Various: Ok good I get nervous when you haven't responded in your usual millisecond. I think it's important to remember the entire purpose of the MSG Pukefest was not to win over voters but to enrage the base into a tizzy to get them ready for another Jan 6. What they didn't factor in was the rage of people who would disagree. But no Undecided was gonna sprint to the polls and vote for Drumpf after watching that fiasco. They wanted the Bund Reboot and instead they got Fyre Festival 3.