Five Beauty Product Must-Haves For Those With Mood Disorders And Unreliable Brain Chemistry
From hiding puffy post-cry eyes to covering anxiety sweat, emotionally unstable me never leaves home without these.
By Sara Pollock

I’m a highly-emotional being who seldom has their shit together. Despite approaching my 25th year on SSRIs, my brain chemistry is notorious for being not-so-great at times, to say the least.
The constant fear of impending doom coupled with decades of anxiety is unfortunately, my reality, and I know that I’ll always need to work around my internal pit of despair, and consider it just that - a never-ending job of keeping my shitty feelings at bay.
I’m also particularly skilled at the art of insomnia. If you are a fellow sleepless pro, then you may relate to the annoyance of going to bed at a reasonable time, equipped with lavender oil on your pulse points, yet still, a night of mental turbulence and every-mistake-I’ve-ever-made-in-my-life awaits. Oh, joy!
Fortunately, I’ve mastered the art of disguising my 2 hours of sleep with one of my life loves - beauty products. This may sound frivolous, but the daily routine of application is somewhat self-soothing. Coincidentally, the better my makeup looks, the worse I tend to feel inside. This is merely an observation that I pointed out to a friend recently. But that’s a conversation for another day.
Nobody else has to know about my inner demons (uh, unless I write about them online, obviously - watch this space!)
I do like a challenge, and attempting to be the picture of perfect health is a game I play when necessary. The reality is that currently, my mind may be in the gutter, but these glassy cheekbones suggest otherwise. Look, guys! I wake up every morning, shower in ice-cold water, and then drink a concoction consisting of kale and wheatgrass. Yeah, right. I’ve really been rotting in bed all weekend.
We all have our hero products. If you’re anything like me, you’ll carry an arsenal of these with you at all times. The ultimate emergency kit, if you will.
I’ve been armed with a compact of MAC Studio Fix Powder in my purse for over two decades (not the same one, obviously). The trusty black compact has rescued years’ worth of anxiety-induced sweat and blotchy, tear-stained cheeks.
Because you never know when lightning is going to strike (although, fortunately, I do use a handy period tracker, so it’s not always such a shocker when I learn that it is, indeed, Hell Week). But I digress. Knowing that I can always lock myself in a public toilet and remedy the outward appearance of a meltdown is helpful.
Below are some of my face saviours.
Ole Henrikson - Banana Bright Vitamin CC Eye Stick - $35.00
Dry, puffy under-eyes are inevitable after a long day, whether you’re feeling 10/10 or a moment away from a breakdown. After all, we know that crying is exhausting. Be prepared.

I’ve tried many under-eye concealers over the years. Finding one that doesn’t crease and settle into fine lines can take a lot of trial and error, but this one is so unbelievably soothing and hydrating. The creamy stick blends out evenly, working brilliantly on the saddest dry eyes, adding much-needed moisture without oiliness.
The subtle cooling application is an added bonus, as is the addition of caffeine and brightening vitamin C. Think of it as a hug for your under-eyes.
Yolaine - Lip Mousse - $38.00
Ahh. The “crying lip”. The way the blood naturally flows to the centre of your pout, deepening your natural lip tone, giving your lips a beautiful, natural flush. This is of the very few benefits to being a highly emotional being. With that being said, sometimes you need some extra lip drama. I can confirm that I have found the very best product for creating this flush without the inconvenience of sobbing in public.

Yolaine’s Lip Mousse is possibly my greatest beauty discovery of the past few years. There is truly nothing else quite like it. The whipped formula packs serious pigment, but as the effect is “blurred,” you’re less likely to goof up the application.
Your dreamy, bitten lip sans pain. The finish is matte, but miraculously, without any cracking or creasing. As for longevity, this lasts all day and beyond.