Weekday evening or weekend. Is it me, or does our generation seem to be finally entering the era where we will leave our true mark? Can't put my finger on it. Whatever is coming, it's big.

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I say it's not at all just you, because I agree! I'd love to hear if others here feel that too.

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I absolutely do. Thanks to you, right now. So much gratitude.

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I absolutely feel this way too!

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Ooohhhhh! I love thissssss. DC isn’t so far from NYC and that magical storage unit….haha! Sassy and Jane mean so much to me - I’ve always been a physical media collector and still have years of them in shelves at my house. I’m really really glad you’re still rounding up folks and creating a community. We need it.

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I feel like I/we need it too! And I'm so glad you're interested in potentially coming to the storage space with me, because that's what's going to motivate me to actually do it after too many years. Thank you!

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Listen I don’t want to overplay my hand but not only do I have decades of experience in museums’ collections, I’m a certified magpie when it comes to finding and collecting pretty little things. You tell me when/where and I’m showing up with label makers and a spreadsheet. Let’s gooooo haha

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This is brilliant! The last time I invited a reader to come help take away my old memorabilia stuff, I picked one who had been a speed freak and was still very hyper and meticulous. I ended up hiring her at XoJane and working with her for many many years. She is awesome. You sound equally wonderful and qualified! Ha ha.

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Haha, I *think* I know who you’re referencing (I read books too!) and what an absolute honor 👑

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OK, guess what? I know who you're thinking it is and it isn't even that person! I have hired a lot of drug-takers over the years!

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Omg, even better! That’s incredible

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I love the “with friends” part and also that in under a decade you made your start a magazine ambition happen, and then continued to do it over and over again. That’s so inspiring.

Weekends are a little better but I could do a weekday too. I can’t believe you do so much from your phone! I post comments and on social media and sometimes write drafts on my phone that I tell myself I’ll clean up later but for “official” writing I need a computer. It just doesn’t feel the same and my fingers can’t keep up with my thoughts.

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Thank you, honey! I'm excited to see you at the hangout!

My brain moves faster than my fingers too, so I do a lot of dictating into my phone and then going back and cleaning it up. Siri and I have a very close – and sometimes contentious – relationship.

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I’m in! Whenever, I’ll move things around and make it work!

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I love this idea & count me in for whenever. I’ll move stuff around and make it work!

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Weekday evening or weekend! (Also very excited about a Music Editor!)

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Oh good, I can't wait to announce who it is also! Soon! Likely next week. And I'm so glad you're up for the party.

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Were you excited about the music editor announcement? I hope so! And I'm still doing our party, don't you worry.

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I'd love a Zoom with you, Jane! My schedule varies, I'd do my best to make it whatever day/time you choose. I'm from NJ, same time zone!

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Fantastic! And I was just gushing back to you about a great comment you made on another post, so this meetup is bound to have some good conversation! Can't wait.

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I am so there! I wrote an article for Sassy Magazine in 1993/1994 reader produced issue about the Spur Posse. I have been trying to get my hands on three copies since I have raised (am raising) three very empowered daughters!!! In this day and age my kids need to see that mom took a stand!!! I can't wait!!!

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Oh, I would love to help you find that! I remember it! And it's great to see you again

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Any help would be appreciated!!! And I look forward to this meet up!!

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I would literally take time off work just for this. I can do either time, just let me know when. I'm your OCD-adjacent friend that alphabetically rearranges your spice rack and organizes your closet by ROY G BIV, sleeve length, and then pattern. Storage units are my jam. It gets messy before organized, so get ready for a little chaos spin first.

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Your precision about this is so beautiful! I'm going to cut and paste it into my notes so I can look at it when I want to. Also, did you read Charlie's AJPT post about his hatred of color-coded bookshelves? I'm thinking you would likely disagree. Thank you for all of this!

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I did. Color coded bookshelves make me stabby, because I am also a giant book nerd. There may be 1K books on my "read" shelf on Goodreads, but there are also 1K on my "want to read" shelf. Colors mean nothing. Alphabetical by author last name then publication date OR title if I'm being lazy.

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Glad to hear you two are in sync. And I love "if I'm being lazy." Come look at my bookshelf to see lazy!

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I can't even remember what ROY G BIV is, but it sounds like exactly what I need. Let's talk about it at the meet up! Xox

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One of the only things I remember from science classes. It is the colors of the light spectrum.









White goes at the beginning.

Black goes at the end.

Grey goes after Violet, before black.

I have a really absurd love of color-coded organization.

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Jane. Jaaaaaaaaaaane. I just noticed the state of your poor phone. It gives me anxiety. If I were rich, I'd hook you up with a new one. *cries in un-rich*

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Ha ha, and thank you for noticing! I thought it was interesting that no one mentioned it, but I clearly wasn't clear enough. Little pieces of the back are falling off on a daily basis, which is what I meant about this site being somewhat precarious. When I get rich, I'm buying myself a new one, don't you worry! I love you!

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I worry about your fingers getting cut? I don’t know if that’s a THING when the pieces fall off, but…

Also? It must feel really odd with the random texture.

(Oooh. I think my autism is peeking through with that one, lol.)


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I have gotten little cuts from it from time to time. I'm a-OK, though! I wrote about this at one point, but I had a case for it, but it was a cheap case, and it didn't fit properly and then my brother got me another cheap case with another problem that kept turning my phone off randomly. But I can certainly put a case over this one when I get to it and that will help! Thanks for the concern!!

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We need to look out for each other—especially these weird-ass days. :)

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I’m in. Weekdays or weekends :)

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Awesome! I'll see you there

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Gotcha and thanks for the input!

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Also: did anyone else read the Gen X sex article in the NY Times?

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I didn't read it, but I feel like I did because I glanced at it and I've heard talk about it. What did you think??

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So so so fun!! OF COURSE I want to wear my Sassy T-shirt to our hangout —but I never got mine in the mail for upgrading to anal! Whom do I contact? And can’t wait to see you all.

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I can't believe Heather Marr never got her T-shirt! There will be hell to pay! Are you inside the US? The ones outside the US are taking longer. If you're inside the US, email me the details jane@anotherjaneprattthing.com and we will get right on it. I'm sorry!

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Hahaha! I’m in Canada, but I’m not sure you guys even have my address—unless you were able to get it from my subscription details? I never received a form to fill out or anything, but maybe I didn’t need to. I’ll email you my deets just in case!

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You should have gotten a form to fill out sent to the email address that you subscribed from. But send it all to me now and Corynne and I will figure it out. XOXXX

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I never saw the form but it’s also quite possible I missed it in my inbox. At any rate, I emailed you my address. Thanks, Jane!

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Email bounced back to me so will DM it to you, Jane

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I got it and passed it along! Thanks honey!

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Please tell me you have old issues of Sassy on hand.

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I don't actually have any right here with me, but we are tracking them down.

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That news just made my weekend!

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Aww yayyyyy!

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Maybe I'll wear my cherished little green Sassy/Sub-Pop promotional record on my head like an English fascinator for the video call! Either way, I'll be there and I would LOVE to join on the storage unit field trip! Sign me up for *all* the things.

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Sebadoh! I remember this record now! I want to do a listening party for Chia Pet when we gather, because I haven't heard it in so long, but Christina has to be there for it too. I'll ask her. And she has Chia Pet swag too because she's better at keeping everything than I am.

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Oh yay!! I'm so happy you still have that record and I want to remember who is on it. That just gave me the idea to dig up something from our band Chia Pet and give that away to one of you deserving cool people. Anyway, I'm glad you're coming!

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Sebadoh is on that record! It was my first introduction to the band :)

Chia Pet swag would be next level. Honestly, all of this is next level.

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