Jane’s Phone: If You Found an Unidentifiable Vitamin Stuck in Your Dog’s Fur, Would You Take It?
Answer: absolutely yes. Those things are expensive. [If you’re reading this, don’t be like Jane, obviously. Just ick. —Esther] Now let’s see if I act extra crazy in the staff meeting because of whatever I just ingested…
Oh, because I couldn’t take a picture of the little fluffy cutie1 as I was too busy retrieving the vitamin from his paw, I went back through the 31,237 photos I have in my phone and this one is from 2017 of my beautiful, beautiful daughter (I know everyone thinks their child is the most beautiful, but come on, really?) and our beautiful dog Balloon.
In describing this creature, of course the term “fur baby” came into my head as a potential shorthand to use, but does anyone else hear that and picture a furry dog coming out of a human vagina? For me, every single time and it’s not appealing.
No. If I had been there to witness this I would have dove in between you and the vitamin like a secret service agent.
Charlotte and Balloon … nothing more beautiful 🥰