Update: I showed the article to my dad for the first time today and his response? "Neat." That is high praise coming from him, lol.

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I love that!!! Now I aspire to get a neat from someone on something I write. That's just the best.

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Even funnier is that then my mom said, "Is that all you can say?" and he says, "I detected some emotion in there," to which I said, "SOME emotion, are you kidding me?" and he laughed so hard and said, "I'm just teasing you" and we all laughed harder than we all have laughed together in a long time and it made me so happy.

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I would so love it if everyone who read your amazingly sweet post would come to the comments and read this update. I always think that the stories really unfold in the comments, and you just prove me right about that. Beautiful!

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This is absolutely beautiful, Vanessa

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The expression on your dad's face is amazing, with the slightest hint of amusement. Conveys: "I completely love — and genuinely like — this woman!"

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They are both a piece of work! Their love is genuine, and they are so lucky to have found one another.

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I love this so much- I want to be looked at the way your dad is checking out your mom. 🥹 Also - I felt what you said about not sewing costumes..same! 🙋‍♀️ My kid had store-bought costumes and she often took store-bought baked goods to school for parties, and she turned out just fine. We all have our lanes, and mine was knowing when to tag the experts into the ring and let them handle shit for awhile!

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LOL! Yes, I will tag in any family member or friend who can do shit better than I can. I have no shame!

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I am so so aligned with your parenting style - thanks for sharing that!

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As a child of Jim Crow parents, I understand this all too well...

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My parents made sure I knew about what they experienced so I'd appreciate what they had to go through to give me the opportunities I had. I love them for it.

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