
I actually admired the honesty. Please, more of this.

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I agree. And I'm so excited for Joel's advice column to debut here soon. I am in need of some of his good advice myself – and anyone else who wants to write him with relationship and other questions or dilemmas, he is so ready to help.

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I think that is so cool--I can use all the help I can get lololol!

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appreciate you vanessa!

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Sep 29Liked by Joél Leon, Jane

Social norms are such a huge source of suffering. People "accept" cheating in a way, where a great many just knee-jerk won't even consider polyamory, even though it is healthy and right for many people, but it isn't "allowed" to be presented as an option of how to be, and then people end up cheating and hurting others without even knowing why because even the idea of considering polyamory is so culturally prohibited - people who might be so inclined may not even be able to admit to themselves that this could be their natural inclination. And binary thinking in general is so limiting. Our Rep vs Dem political system limits thinking in a such a big way, and we see how that works out... I love how mindfulness forces fluidity and disconnects us from our conditioning. All this to say, as a neurodivergent who spent most of my life confused about why I was weird and who wasted a lot of time and energy trying to seem normal, I appreciate your POV and look forward to reading more!

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LISTEN! the way buddhism, relationship anarchy, polyamory and abolition kinda all feel like one big happy family lol?! it’s like, how free can we be and want to be and how much of what and who we say we love is wrapped up in ego and privilege and ownership? how much SO much of. what we do is wrapped in that? the binaries limit and hurt us in so many ways.

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By the way, all the comments I'm seeing from you on the site are so thoughtful and add so much to the conversation. They're just beautiful and it makes perfect sense because your have the best name. Thanks for being here!

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Given the conversation here I know I shouldn’t be reinforcing my own sense of separate self but I’M SO SUPER HAPPY TO BY COMPLIMENTED BY THE LEGENDARY JANE PRATT!!! If you hadn’t included that bit about the name I would totally be going with the internalized critical voice of my elders that was all “She didn’t mean you, she’s talking to Joél, why would she think anything nice about you?”

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