Jane! So excited and happy to have you here! Yaaaayyyy! ❤️

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I’m thrilled to see this both because the summary is useful and because this is the first thing I’ve seen from y’all directly in my inbox, despite being a paid subscriber. I’ve been dealing with the Substack help bot, but the way this is worded makes me wonder - do y’all have it setup to not send to subscribers for fear of overloading our inbox? If so, could we have a brief daily summary? A list would do.

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Thanks for this input so much! We will start to send these to all of you more frequently but we don't want to inundate either. We'll try some new methods here and keep giving me the feedback if you could. I really appreciate it!

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You know, I think there is a way to do this through sections, so people can opt in for what notifications they desire, so you could have a daily round ups in a daily round up section and people could choose to turn notifications for that on or off. Eg I have “Garden Study” section notifications turned on in Culture Study and “Medium School” section notifications turned off for Online Writing Club.

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Thank you!! I will let you know what I find out about that. And which sections here would you want alerts for if we do that? I'm just curious and you don't actually have to answer unless you want to.

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This is the first substack I've ever paid for! I can't wait to see all the great things you do. I've been a fan of all of your work, from back in the Sassy days to XOJane - I'm so glad Cat is here too. Keep the posts coming.

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Founding member here! I am thrilled for this! <333

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