There are so many rules about what Clothing is age appropriate and then there's also what you feel comfortable with. I try to forget the first part of that and go with the second. But it's not always easy to separate and I totally relate to your dilemma.
I can relate to this one so much. I couldn't decide whether I wanted to look like an urban professional, a suburban soccer mom, a spin-class siren or a total slob. So I went to Pinterest for some inspiration, and then let my own preferences on any given day decide.
I tried to dress "professional" for a bit and it was soul crushing. Now I wear what I love and I don't feel torn at all if it doesn't fit into to some narrow idea of a norm (those are decided by boring people anyway). I'm more kind of pissed that I masked for so long, and a big part of that was wearing bad clothes.
I feel this. I thought it was going back to work after the pandemic that had changed my mindset, but that time frame also coincided with moving into my 40’s. Suddenly things didn’t fit, and while there was indeed weight gain to contend with, I also realized I didn’t feel comfortable in some of what I had been wearing. It took me a bit to adjust, but I got there. Trust your own instincts and wear what makes you happy and comfortable!
When I was in my late teens, I started to worry that I wouldn’t be able to wear PJ bottoms in public as an adult. I spent a few gruelling years in my early 20s wearing jeans, and now I’m 33 and back to PJ bottoms.
There are so many rules about what Clothing is age appropriate and then there's also what you feel comfortable with. I try to forget the first part of that and go with the second. But it's not always easy to separate and I totally relate to your dilemma.
I can relate to this one so much. I couldn't decide whether I wanted to look like an urban professional, a suburban soccer mom, a spin-class siren or a total slob. So I went to Pinterest for some inspiration, and then let my own preferences on any given day decide.
I tried to dress "professional" for a bit and it was soul crushing. Now I wear what I love and I don't feel torn at all if it doesn't fit into to some narrow idea of a norm (those are decided by boring people anyway). I'm more kind of pissed that I masked for so long, and a big part of that was wearing bad clothes.
I hear you and I love you, Fellow Jane. I'm so glad you came to the other side too.
May I suggest sweatpants and leggings?
A la “comfort but make it cool.”
Confession: I have big pink socks that say “cool mom” …so my advice is tainted.
LOL! I have a baseball cap that says Dog Mom that I wear all the time so we are kindred spirits.
😆 we are unironically awesome.
Ha ha ha. Please don't ever change! You've got this dressing thing nailed.
If AJPT needs a fashion blogger…jeggings + graying hair + a nirvana sweatshirt from H&M.
You're hired!
I feel this. I thought it was going back to work after the pandemic that had changed my mindset, but that time frame also coincided with moving into my 40’s. Suddenly things didn’t fit, and while there was indeed weight gain to contend with, I also realized I didn’t feel comfortable in some of what I had been wearing. It took me a bit to adjust, but I got there. Trust your own instincts and wear what makes you happy and comfortable!
When I was in my late teens, I started to worry that I wouldn’t be able to wear PJ bottoms in public as an adult. I spent a few gruelling years in my early 20s wearing jeans, and now I’m 33 and back to PJ bottoms.
So relatable!